Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Too Long Away

It's been too long since I posted, but it's been hectic around here. Two weeks ago, DH and B (eldest daughter) had sinus infections. Last week, B had fallout from the antibiotics and was home Thursday and I had a UTI, so I was home 2 days, Wednesday and Thursday. Our new kitten, Isaac (Sir Isaac Newton) slept on me both days and wasn't running around as much as usual, but I didn't realize what it meant. Thursday afternoon, all of a sudden, a HUGE swelling popped up on his shoulder. It got worse and worse, and resulted in an emergency trip to the vet (thank goodness she's open late on Thursdays), with an end result of him having an abcess that she cleaned out. He's being confined to the bathroom with an e-collar on and taking antibiotics. The vet isn't sure if it was a reaction to his kitten shot or if one of the other cats bit him. I think it was one of the other cats! I'll know for sure today when I take him for a re-check. The vet called me with the test results, and it was a strep infection! Poor baby, he's so angry at being confined. He cries and scratches at the door, but the last thing he needs is for one of the other cats to annoy him while he's not 100% OK.

The Print O'The Wave stole continues - I'm on the last side (thankfully) and am pushing to be done already. I want to start a pair of socks! And a shawl, and a sweater... I hate being monogamous. It's so close to being finished, I'll take pictures while it blocks.

Last night was my spinning meeting - Spinners' Study Group of Long Island. It was a lot of fun - people brought equipment such as a charkha, hackles, skein winder, and electric spinner to demonstrate, and for the other members to try out. I love this group - they all are friendly and helpful, it's always a joy to go.

Rhinebeck countdown - 2 more days (counting today)!

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